Key Holder Policy and Agreement

This is a Key Holder Policy and Agreement to adapt for your own use.

Depending on the structure of your organisation and how the community building is used, you may wish to issue keys to: 

  • Staff (for access and to open the building for others)  
  • Regular users (issued with a set of keys for their use only)  
  • Ad hoc users (may be given a set of keys for the duration of their booking). 

It is important that all keyholders understand their responsibilities and procedures around securing buildings after use. This can be formalised in a keyholder policy and agreement, examples of which are given here. 



This policy covers the main areas you may need to consider in this area, but you will need to read it in the context of your own organisation, which may mean amendments to make it fully relevant are necessary. It does not constitute legal advice and further steps may be necessary to ensure you comply with current UK legislation.